Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hip Hop Cop

I think this may need a little background before I put my opinion on the topic. I have been a fan and friend of hip hop since graded school and often rediculed for that fact. So, I have become passionate about and critical of anyone who tries to downgrade the integrity and character of many artist who I have befriended. It is never easy to stand alone and be different and to be a leader and not a follower. So, here is my opinion and view on this movie I just watched about the "Hip Hop Cop". Just by the name of the movie I already had a very negative view of what this could be and what person in the NYPD would have the time to worry about artists while crimes are being committed. I was ready to turn the channel and watch Two and A Half Men until I noticed the movie was going to have the opinions of the artists on this list as well. The "Hip Hop Cop" who is named Derick Parker has created a list with rapper's profiles with all their personal information and if they had a criminal history. The info was compiled through years of surveilance without warrant. Mr. Parker claims he was told to compile this list by the NYPD Police Chief at the time and was for the artists protection because of the violence that surrounds Hip Hip. Why do I think this list was created? I believe it was created because Mr. Parker being an ex producer and fan of hip hop wanted to stay around the industry and in saying this he currently does security for several big named artists. That simple? Maybe not. Any medium that reaches millions of people is closely followed by government officials. Popularity and a platform to reach the masses could potentially cause trouble for "The Man" so that is hidden behind possible security threats to the nation and gives rights to these officials to do the surveilance. In closing so many more opinions popped into my mind but I want to hear yours so please create a dialogue through commented on my post. Thank you for reading and God Bless.

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